Social Worker

Our trained Social Workers help individuals tackle personal issues and develop strategies to overcome challenges. They also support families caring for disabled members, aiding with life’s difficulties.


Social Worker

Our dedicated team of social workers plays a pivotal role in assisting individuals, families, and communities in various aspects of their lives. These professionals are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address a wide range of challenges and provide essential support, offering solutions that can make a significant difference. In instances where individuals find themselves grappling with hardships, practical concerns, familial conflicts, or struggles in accessing vital services, social workers step in as pillars of guidance and assistance. Their expertise lies in navigating complex situations, offering a helping hand when life takes a challenging turn. Beyond just immediate problem-solving, social workers offer a holistic approach to support.

You can talk to our social workers about: Practical issues –eg. housing application issues, utility relief grants, assistance with paperwork Centrelink issues, including DSP-related issues Information and referrals Elder abuse & neglect Knowing your rights and being able to exercise them Navigating health and welfare systems

Your social worker can also provide support and connect you to appropriate expert help during difficult situations such as: Death of a family member or friend, Financial difficulties, Domestic violence, Post-traumatic events, Grief and loss and Parenting
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